Sunday 8 February 2015

Why a blog?

Recently, Steve and I spent a date night writing down our bucket lists.  We're definitely going through a season of trying to work out what path to take next in our lives and so this seemed a really fun way of setting some goals. 

The challenge: each person had to write down at least eight things they want to do/achieve before they 'kick the bucket'. This could literally be anything! Then, we shared our ideas and wrote a 'Bacon family bucket list'. 

To our amazement (perhaps surprising, given how long we've been together), our bucket lists were nearly identical. They included big dreams about babies, building our own house - being married to a builder should have some uses (!) and visions of our walks with God. Yet, pretty much every other goal on our lists involved travelling and seeing more of this beautiful world together. 

So, we've promised one another we'll be more intentional about following these dreams, starting today. 

Since our date night, we've booked trips to Portugal, Croatia and Asia in 2015. I hope that this blog will help to keep us accountable in following our travel goals and providing a place for us to look back and trace our footsteps.

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